First Release
I am pleased to announce the first alpha release of rust-analyzer — a new "IDE backend" for the Rust programming language. Support rust-analyzer on Open Collective.
Wait a second… Haven’t people been using rust-analyzer for a long time now? Well, yes, but we’ve never actually made a release announcement, so here’s one! Better late than never :-)
What exactly is rust-analyzer?
Broadly speaking, rust-analyzer is a new compiler front-end for the Rust programming language, aimed at drastically improving IDE integration. If you are familiar with C# ecosystem, rust-analyzer is to rustc what Roslyn is to the original C# compiler.
More specifically the goal of rust-analyzer project is improving Rust IDE support to the standard expected of a modern language. Under this umbrella project the following activities take place:
We build the
binary, an implementation of the language server protocol, which can provide a basic IDE experience for Rust today. -
We use
as a workbench and a laboratory for investigating approaches to lazy and incremental compilation. -
We try to modularize the existing
compiler and extract production ready components for sharing withrust-analyzer
For the users, the most immediately relevant facet is the first one — a language server you can install to get smart code completion in Emacs your favorite editor. This is what this post focuses on.
What is its relationship with RLS?
Rust had a language server for quite some time now — the RLS. RLS and rust-analyzer use fundamentally different architectures for understanding Rust. RLS works by running a compiler on the whole project and dumping a huge JSON file with facts derived during the compilation process. rust-analyzer works by maintaining a persistent compiler process, which is able to analyze code on-demand as it changes. Concretely, after every keystroke RLS looks at every function body and re-typechecks it; rust-analyzer generally processes only the code in the currently opened file(s), reusing name resolution results if possible.
rust-analyzer started as an experiment and a proof-of-concept, but today it is becoming increasingly clear that:
rust-analyzer already provides a better experience than RLS for many users.
rust-analyzer is further ahead on the road towards the envisioned end-state of a fully on-demand, fully incremental Rust compiler.
So we’ve opened RFC 2912. That RFC proposes a process of replacing RLS with rust-analyzer as the official LSP implementation for Rust.
What is its relationship with IntelliJ Rust?
IntelliJ Rust is a plugin providing Rust support for IDEs build on top of IntelliJ Platform. The rust-analyzer project is indebted to IntelliJ Rust: it builds on the same architectural ideas and patterns, and is directly inspired by the experience of developing IntelliJ Rust.
IntelliJ Rust contains its own implementation of an IDE-ready compiler frontend, implemented in Kotlin. This engine is very advanced, but, by design, does not use LSP. IntelliJ Rust is a production ready Rust IDE and is wholly recommended for users of JetBrains' products.
Quick Start
The manual contains detailed documentation, so in this blog post I want to just quickly run through the most exciting features.
rust-analyzer is compatible with any editor that supports LSP, and has dedicated plugins for Vim, Emacs and VS Code. Support for VS Code is maintained in-tree and in general is expected to be the most complete. For this reason, the following info takes a VS Code-centric point of view, but should be translatable to equivalent concepts in other editors.
To add rust-analyzer to VS Code:
Remove existing rls extension, if you have one.
Install the rust-analyzer extension from the marketplace.
To check that everything is working open a "Hello World" Rust application.
You should see the Run | Debug
code lens, and editor symbols should show the main function:

Now that rust-analyzer is successfully installed, what are some of the most important features?
I suggest, first and foremost, to familiarize oneself with many navigation capabilities, as we spend more time reading code than writing it. Here’s an inexhaustive list of features.
- Definition F12
The most famous navigation shortcut. One rust-analyzer specific trick is that F12 on an
mod submodule;
brings you to
file. This is useful in combination with: - Parent module (no default keybinding)
This action brings to the
declaration which declared the current module. It doesn’t have a shortcut assigned by default, as there’s no corresponding built-in action, but it is highly recommended to assign one. - Workspace Symbol Ctrl+T
This is probably the shortcut I use most often. It is a fuzzy-search interface for all "symbols" (structs, enums, functions, field) in the project, its dependencies and the standard library. The search tries to be smart, in that, by default, it looks only for types in your project, and, failing that, for functions. It is possible to force search in dependencies by adding
to the query string, and search for all symbols by adding*
. Unfortunately, this doesn’t work in VS Code at the moment, as it stopped passing these symbols to the language server since the last update.
- Document Symbol Ctrl+Shift+O
Like workspace symbol, but for things in the current file. The same underlying LSP request powers file outline and breadcrumbs.

- Implementation Ctrl+F12
This shortcut works on structs, enums and traits, and will show you the list of corresponding impls.
- Syntax Highlighting
While not exactly about navigation, semantic syntax highlighting helps with reading code. Rust analyzer underlines mutable variables, distinguishes between modules, traits and types and provides helpful type and parameter hints.

- Run (no default keybinding)
After navigation, the feature I use most is probably the Run button. This action runs the test function, test module or main function at the given cursor position. It is also available as a code-lens, but I personally exclusively use ctrl+r for it, as I need this action all the time. What’s more, with a short cut you can re-run the last command, which is hugely useful when you are debugging a failing test. This action is pretty smart in that it does the following things for you:
determines the appropriate
argument forCargo
, -
uses the full path to the test, including the module,
sets the
argument, so that debug prints are visible, -
sets the
environmental variable, so that you don’t have to re-run on panic.
Sadly, such context-dependent run configurations are not a part of the LSP protocol yet, so this feature is implemented using a custom protocol extension.
- Punctuation-aware code completion
Naturally, rust-analyzer helps with writing code as well. When completing
, it checks if the return type is()
. When completing function and method calls,rust-analyzer
places the cursor between parentheses, unless the function has zero arguments. When typinglet
, rust-analyzer tries to helpfully add the semicolon.
- Extend selection Shift+Alt+→
This is again a feature which is relatively simple to implement, but a huge helper. It progressively selects larger and larger expressions, statements and items. It works exceptionally well in combination with multiple cursors. One hidden capability of this feature is a navigation help: if you are in a middle of a function, you can get to the beginning of it by extending seleciton several times, and then pressing ←.
- Fixit for missing module
Another disproportionally nice feature — to create a new file, type
mod file_name;
and use ctrl+. to add the file itself.
- Assists
More generally, there are a lot of cases where the light bulb can write some boring code for you. Some of my favorites are impl generation:
And filling match arms:
rust-analyzer is a young tool and comes with a lot of limitations.
The most significant one is that we are not at the moment using rustc
directly, so our capabilities for detecting errors are limited.
In particular, to show inline errors we are doing what Emacs has been doing for ages — running cargo check
after the file is saved.
If auto-save is enabled in the editor, the result is actually quite nice for small projects.
For bigger projects though, I feel like cargo check
in background gets in the way.
So for rust-analyzer
I have rust-analyzer.checkOnSave.enabled = false;
in the settings.
Instead, I use the Run functionality to run check
/ test
and keyboard shortcuts to navigate between errors.
Another big issue is that at the moment we, for simplicity, don’t persist caches to disk. That means that every time you open a project with rust-analyzer, it needs to analyze, from source:
all sysroot crates (std, core, alloc, etc)
all dependencies
all crates in your workspace
This takes time, tens of seconds for medium sized projects.
Similarly, because we never save anything to disk, we need to keep analysis results for all crates in memory. At the moment, rust-analyzer process might requires gigabytes of ram for larger projects.
Finally, because analysis is not complete, features are not working correctly every time. Sometimes there are missing completions, sometimes goto definition is wrong, we may even show false-positive errors on occasion.
This is an alpha release. We have a long road ahead of us towards solid and reliable IDE support. Luckily (and this is the instance where a life of an IDE writer is simpler than that of a compiler writer) an IDE doesn’t have to be 100% correct to be useful.
How can I help?
If you find rust-analyzer useful and use it professionally, please consider asking your company to sponsor rust-analyzer via our Open Collective. Sponsorships from individuals are also accepted (and greatly appreciated!).
For other financial support options, customization requests, or extended support, please write an email to
Many people like starting contributing to the project with docs, and we certainly can use some help as well. For user-visible documentation, we have a manual which is pretty bare bones at the moment. In particular, it doesn’t talk about features of rust-analyzer yet. The primary document for developers is
If you want to contribute code, the best way to start is the aforementioned architecture document. In general, rust-analyzer code base is comparatively easy to contribute to: it is a standard Rust crate, which builds with stable compiler. The best first issue to fix is something that you personally find lacking. If you are already perfectly happy with rust-analyzer, we have a bunch of issues others have reported :-)