Changelog #42

Commit: 0d03fe6
Release: 2020-09-14


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New Features

  • #5956 Highlight errors in macros.

    92319594 b71e6c00 f022 11ea 94c1 f412905269dd
  • #5957 Add consuming modifier to lvalues that are passed by value and not Copy.

  • #5969 Complete modules based on existing files.

    93090591 466bf500 f69d 11ea 9a8c f054a693287f
  • #5990 Implement box patterns.

    93090576 3fdd7d80 f69d 11ea 95e9 8e1866f23c23
  • #5971 Implement async blocks.

    93090569 3b18c980 f69d 11ea 872c c3bbf99b2438
  • #5976 Complete trait impl immediately after type/const/fn.


  • #5970 Use better heuristics for replacement text when removing dbg!.

  • #5981 Properly preserve macro braces during dbg! removal.

Internal Improvements

  • #5968 Improve generation of Chalk programs.