Changelog #62

Commit: 1a59f75
Release: 2021-02-01


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New Features

  • #7409 add References code lens, gated by rust-analyzer.lens.references:

    106449060 3f972080 648c 11eb 8105 72725fa33d17
  • #7412 make `OUT_DIR`s and proc macro loading asynchronous:

    105610083 8f208100 5de8 11eb 8e96 c2d4e349b352
  • #7468 make Fill Match Arms assist work in macros.

  • #7451 add rust-analyzer.files.excludeDirs config.


  • #7415 Code: emit fewer download progress notifications.

  • #7419, #7422 unquote strings when expanding concat!.

  • #7438 shorten hir::TypeParam ranges for traits in NavigationTarget.

  • #7406 don’t assume happy path in if_let_match.

  • #7464 export CARGO for proc. macros.

  • #7465 only hide parameter hints for path, field and methodcall expressions.

  • #7487 forbid flyimport completions in use statements.

  • #7493 add missing --print-config-schema to help.

  • #7483 classify function calls as functions when shadowed by types.

  • #7500 fix ast::String::value not properly escaping in some cases.

  • #7502 honor #![macro_use] in module source files.

  • #7503 return inner attributes of outline module declarations in attrs_query.

Internal Improvements

  • #7426, #7431, #7466, #7480, #7481, #7482, #7485 more work on local item resolution.

  • #7393 document paths items.

  • #7433 initial Macros 2.0 in MBE.

  • #7450 remove the need to manually sync config in package.json.

  • #7455 make always-assert crate reusable.

  • #7457 add no-buffering file logging and wait for debugger options.

  • #7460 count instances of more data structures.

  • #7471 force Xcode version on CI.

  • #7472 easier to debug timeouts in tests.

  • #7491 handle MBE parse errors during parsing, not matching.

  • #7494 simpilfy mbe parsing.