Changelog #92

Commit: d15f646
Release: 2021-08-30


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New Features

  • #10008 highlight declarations and references for both definitions in field shorthands:

    131287051 f42dce5e 2892 44fe ba9e 04347f2c5d66
  • #9994 make Generate function work for static methods:

    130415812 57192e15 eab9 4596 92ec b102c3b3bcd2
  • #9993 merge assignments in Join lines:

    130366571 3ebb1753 f8d5 4884 be8f 222cda71a2a7
  • #10014 expand derive macros under cursor in Expand Macro Recursively:

    130638252 5125d41f 2cc0 48fa af77 9a7f85016438
    130638250 debe0a1a 2584 426a 8377 72d6d46276eb
  • #9970 implement attribute input token mapping and fix attribute item token mapping:

    130328577 4c1ad72c 51b1 47c3 8d3d 3242ec44a355
  • #10067 downmap tokens to all token descendants instead of just the first:

    131233056 7e645b1d b82f 468c bf19 d3335a2cf7c2
  • #10059 enable diagnostics in const and static items.


  • #10004 update rowan to fix a memory leak.

  • #10032 fix false positive missing unsafe diagnostic on nightly toolchains.

  • #10057 remove incorrect assertion in Extract function.

  • #10001 fix sorting of enum variants.

  • #10024 fix reporting of build script errors.

  • #10029, #10030 improve Expand Macro Recursively.

  • #10055 don’t use fake text range in original node search as is in completions.

Internal Improvements

  • #10053 (first contribution) remove workaround for old Node versions.

  • #10062 (first contribution) set esbuild target to Node 14.

  • #9944 introduce in-place indenting API.

  • #9999 use single env var to controll all benchmarks.

  • #10010 use idiomatic form of assertions.

  • #10025 don’t mutate syntax trees when preparing proc-macro input.

  • #10069 use ManuallyDrop in RootDatabase to improve build times.

  • #10066, #10071, #10074 slightly improve compile times.