Changelog #159

Commit: 21e61be
Release: 2022-12-12

New Features

  • #13733 add "Remove redundant parentheses" assist:

    Screen recording showing how the assist can remove the brackets in `_ = (4 * 2) + 1;`
  • #13490, #13745 compute data layout of types:

    Screenshot showing the size and alignment of a struct containing a `Box`, an `u64`, and two `usize`s
    Screenshot showing the size and alignment of a field in a struct enum variant
  • #13725 resolve associated constants of traits.

  • #13728 upgrade chalk to make solver fuel work again (works around most trait solving hangs).


  • #13749 don’t show duplicated adjustment hints for blocks, ifs and matches.

  • #13742 only shift BoundVars that come from outside lowering context (fixes a crash with GATs).

  • #13750 normalize projection after discarding free BoundVars in RPIT (fixes a crash during normalization).

Internal Improvements

  • #13722 add VS Code schema for rust-project.json.

  • #13730 support built-in derive macro helper attributes.

  • #13756 make assoc_resolutions always have a Substitution.